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Visit my GitHub profile to see all the projects I have worked on.
Note that the contribution graph shows private repo contributions as well.
IOCommerce image


Project made with my high school 'Multiskills' team for the EU Codeweek Hackathon 2021 - an e-commerce platform for zero-km products. Built from scratch with HTML, JS, CSS as front-end technologies and PHP, MySQL as back-end technologies. The project won the first place in the Italian selection and the third place in the European selection.

MatteiFortunatoBot image


A Telegram bot, built with Python and running on a Raspberry Pi 4, which automatically retrieves latest notices published by the school secretary, sending a notification to registered users (no longer active).

This portfolio image

This portfolio

My personal portfolio built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and TypeScript. As you can see, it is a simple and clean website that I use to present myself and showcase my projects, experiences and skills.